Monday, September 20, 2010

Social Networking and Social Action

To be honest, I don’t really use the “social network” to pursue activism.  I use it for social purposes.  However, that is not to say that I have never “liked” a movement via the internet.  At my school, we had this “Walk for Water” event through my school to help raise money for people in Africa.  We had to get sponsors, and every mile we walked, we raised a certain amount of money.  I found out about this through my school, then afterwards proceeded to “like” it on my facebook to get the newest updates and time changes regarding the fundraiser.  The only reason I joined this group was because I was already involved, and just wanted to be further informed.  Had I just seen this page, I would have no reason to browse any farther and pursue it.  If I am going to be involved in something, it has to be tangible.  I would not have been interested if it was just a page I came across on facebook. 


  1. I'm the same way. I feel like I'm not really involved with a cause unless I'm physically doing something to make a change, or unless I can see the results of my involvement right in front of me. It's really interesting because I feel like that's how most people are...we know just liking something on facebook isn't really reaching anyone, but actually getting out there and doing something makes a difference.

  2. However, I feel that if you do not have the means to do so whether it be that the individual lacks time ,funds or lives in another region, these acts still allow for some participation within activism. The use of social networks allows for larger more diverse audiences. Many issues do not affect just one region but people worldwide.Every small act helps to raise awareness and to bring activists one step closer to reaching a solution.

  3. Though this is true for some individuals,many do use these outlets to later on take a more active approach to activism. They do further research, discuss it with friends and may choose to donate funds or their time.It is up to the people who use these social networks to choose to take a more active approach however if they are unable to do so clicking the "like" button can still prove a help as it appears on their news-feed and may catch the attention on someone who can.
