Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Logical Fallacy: Generalization

This particular video is a political advertisement for Carly Fiorina.  The commercial first shows a clip of Barbara Boxer telling a general in court to call her “Senator instead of ma’am” because she “worked so hard for that title.”  Fiorina then comes on screen and explains how this was an arrogant comment made by Boxer.  Fiorina then takes this to the next level and says that Boxer worked for 28 years in Washington for a title, but Fionrina will “really go to work to end the arrogance in Washington.”  This is an extreme generalization.  She is using this example to imply that because Boxer made an arrogant comment, that Washington is an arrogant place.  There is no proof that because one Senator made one arrogant comment, that Washington is full of arrogance.  

1 comment:

  1. I agree she seems to have taken a single incident and exaggerated the facts in order to make herself seem like a Savior. As a candidate, I think it would have been better for her to focus on clarifying her platform rather that demonizing Washington as the place of arrogant senators and representatives. I think this is an example of Fiorina trying to play "good cop, bad cop".
