Monday, November 1, 2010

Logical Fallacy: Slippery Slope

This 2010 ad talks about Mick Mulvaney, a candidate (for State Senator in South Carolina) who thinks Social Security payments to the elderly are unconstitutional. The ad suggests that if Mick Mulvaney had his way, elderly people will be thrown in jail. The reasoning is that they will go broke without Social Security, so they will not be able to pay their bills, so they will get thrown in jail. (Perhaps because they will have no money and will start stealing?) This definitely seems like a slippery slope. Even if people stopped getting Social Security, they wouldn't necessarily all wind up in jail.

1 comment:

  1. This ad does seem to be insinuating that without Social Security the elderly will be thrown in prison. I think the ad serves the purpose of scaring seniors who depend on Social Security to care for themselves. Surely,the election of Mulvaney will not bring an end to the social security system.The ad does not make an effort to present both sides of the issue and give a reason for why Mulvaney may be against social security.It preys on the potential ignorance of viewers.
